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26 blog and newsletter content ideas for advisors

We’ve heard from some advisors that writing a blog or newsletter is overwhelming. That’s understandable, as a seemingly unlimited number of ideas can make it difficult to start. To make your life easier, we’ve put together a list of 26 blog posts and newsletter ideas. 


1. Your business beliefs in action

Tell a brief story about how you helped a client, and how that aligns with your beliefs.

2. Annual market review

Summarize what happened in the markets, and how your clients were affected. 

3. Charitable support

Highlight a charity you support, and explain why they are worthy of help. 

4. Your history

Go beyond your bio and tell clients a little bit more about yourself. 

5. Meet the team

Give your team a voice! You could write one long post, or give each team member a post all to themselves. 

6. Retirement expenses

Provide a realistic outlook about expenses that your clients may face in retirement.

7. Start saving early

Write a post for your clients’ children, telling them the importance of financial discipline. 

8. Books that inspired you

Many books have been written about saving and investing. Which ones inspired you? Which ones would you like your clients to read? 

9. This year’s reading list

Reading is essential if you’re going to stay ahead of the game. Every January, let your clients know what’s on your reading list. 

10. The hobby post

If you have a hobby that lends itself to being a metaphor for what you do at work, explain how. 

11. Professional development update

What have you been learning lately? If it’s sharable, share! 

12. Explain financial regulations

Building trust involves straightforward explanations about complicated matters. Do your best to keep your clients up to date. 

13. The crystal ball post

Write about current trends and what you see happening next. Be sure to avoid market-specific comments. 

14 to 16. Client success stories

Names can be withheld, of course. These three can become static testimonials on your website. 

17 to 19. Investing heroes

Write brief bios for your investing heroes, highlighting how they left a lasting impression on you. Start with three so you can see what it’s like to write an engaging series of posts that are related to one another. 

20. Asset allocation

Explain what it is and your take on it. 

21. Active vs. passive

Every investor is talking about this, so add your voice to the conversation. 

22. In the news

If something big happens in the world of financial services, from market swings to changes at a very visible company, explain to your clients what’s going on. 

23. Why work with an advisor?

This is a good prospecting tool. You could reuse it as a one-pager for meetings with potential clients. 

24. RRSPs vs. mortgages

If you’re working in a city where house prices are rising, this will be highly relevant to your younger clients. 

25. Tax-reduction strategies

Tax questions are always on investors’ minds, so why not show them that you have some answers? 

26. How are investors charged for their advisor’s services?

Transparency regarding your compensation is a good discussion to have. 

That makes 26 blog and newsletter content ideas to share with your clients. Stay tuned because we’re thinking about expanding the list to 52 next week! 

To keep you on track, create an editorial calendar so you know what’s next and when you’ll need to come up with more ideas.

If you want help creating content, contact us at 416.925.1700 or