Measure your effort. Make your case.
Outsource your investment writing.

Time is precious and there’s never enough of it. And when markets are volatile, there tends to be even less time for activities that generate revenue. Given how critical investment writing is at all times, it’s often best to outsource this work to the experts at Ext. Marketing.

Get the cost calculator

Build a case to outsource your commentaries

and focus on what matters most for your team during periods of volatility.

Does this sound familiar …

If you’ve worked on investment commentaries, you know that feeling of being bogged down with by a barrage of emails. It’s almost impossible to keep up. All the while wishing you had more time for more profitable projects – the kind that help grow your company and your profile. Or maybe you just dream about finding a time to breathe? Find out once and for all how much time and effort goes into your commentaries and investment communications.

The cost calculator will help you:

Know for sure how much time and money your firm spends on producing investment communications and commentaries.

Understand the steps of your process in more detail – we think you’ll be surprised with how many total hours your firm puts into commentary work.

Discover how much time Ext. Marketing saves your firm by letting us write, edit and project manage your investment writing.

Ext. Marketing writes, edits and project manages over 1000 commentaries per quarter. We can say with confidence: our best practices are the industry’s best practices. And they can be yours too. We can help you make meaningful change at your firm – freeing up people’s time and saving money.

Get our Commentary Costs Calculator